9590 Onyx Vantage
Proven Accuracy that Clinicians Can Act On
In 1995, Nonin Medical revolutionized pulse oximetry by inventing the world's first finger pulse oximeter, the Onyx 9500. Today, Nonin's latest finger pulse oximeter for health care professionals, the Onyx® Vantage 9590, provides a fast, accurate, cost-effective solution for spot-checking oxygen saturation and pulse rate in pediatric to adult patients. Available in four colors – black, red, blue and purple.
Nonin Advantages:
-The Onyx is the only finger pulse oximeter with scientifically proven accuracy and is tested for use on fingers, thumbs and toes.
-Proven Accuracy : Scientifically proven accuracy in the widest range of patients.
-Reliable Results : Accurate readings on challenging patients due to low perfusion and darker skin tones. -Tested in motion.
-Versatile : Units work on pediatric to larger adult patients and can be used on fingers, thumbs or toes.
-Cost Efficient : 4-year warranty and up to 6,000 spot checks on two AAA batteries.